Understanding Linux Permissions
A basic description of linux file permissions
The 3 Permission groups
By now you've been running ls -l
or other commands and writing scripts, and are wondering what exactly are linux permissions. Everything in Linux is considered a file this allows everything to be managed by the same file permissions there are 3 basic groups for permissions.
Owner (u, for user) - Left Most 3
Group (g, for the group) - Middle set of 3
Other (o, for everyone else) - Right most 3
So there are three main entities: the Owner
of the file this is typically the original creator. The Group
this is typically the same primary group as the owner. And other
or all this is everyone and thing on the system that is not either the owner or in the approved group. Owner and user will be used interchangeably here.
Further there are three main levels of permissions. Read
which only allows a user/group to read a file. Write
which allows a user/group to make changes a file. And execute
which is required for users/groups to run scripts and enter directories.
Each of these permission levels also has a corresponding number. A user/group with all three permissions would have a value of 7 - the highest. And a user/group with the lowest permission would have a vaule of 1 - the lowest. This may be confusing as there are only 3 permission levels but the break down is as follows.
Permission level
Numeric Value
Read (r)
Write (w)
Execute (x)
So you see if a user/group has read, write, and execute permissions for a file they have a vaule of 7. If they only have read and write for a file they would have a value of 6. Despite having a value of 6 a user would still not be able to execute a script or enter a directory without the execute
permission level.
Changing the permission level. If the numbers confuse you, you can also set a file permission using the corresponding levels.
You can also utilize numbers to change file permissions. The correspond to three places the first is owner(user), group, then other. So a 100 permission would enable execute permission for the user, but not for the group or anyone else. Setting permissions this way will override whatever setting is previously configured if you forget to give a user/group permission you''ll have to change them. By default root always has access to everything and supercedes any and all permission settings. As root is the system owner.
Setting permissions with numbers. Truthfully, I believe this to be simpler. Please utilize the above table to follow along. Try to predict the output!
To learn more about linux permissions ask RedHat! After all they taught me. And as always refer to the man pages they are your best friend in the terminal. Type man chmod
to get the full list of possible uses and configuration.
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